
Beautifully designed components built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.

Animated Card Carousel
A carousel displaying cards with animated transitions and navigation controls.
Animated CTA Section
A bold call-to-action section with animated elements.
Animated Hero
A dynamic hero section with mouse-following gradient background.
Animated Skill Bars
A component displaying skill levels with animated progress bars.
Animated Stats Counter
Eye-catching animated counters to display key statistics.
FAQ Accordion
An interactive accordion to present frequently asked questions.
Moder Nav Bar
Eye-catching animated modern navabr.
an attention-grabbing clear and concise footer page.
Feature Comparison Table
A clear and concise table to compare different product tiers.
Floating CTA Banner
An attention-grabbing call-to-action banner that appears after a delay.
Interactive Timeline
A timeline component with interactive dots, customizable styles, and animated transitions.
Morphing Search Bar
A morphing search bar with dynamic expansion, customizable styles, and integrated search functionality.
Newsletter Form
A stylish form for newsletter subscriptions with validation.
Pricing Calculator
An interactive tool for users to calculate pricing based on their needs.
Product Carousel
A sleek product showcase with smooth transitions between items.
Testimonial Slider
An auto-rotating testimonial display to showcase customer feedback.